My Top 5 Highlights of the Half Term

half term

Last week the country was on half term, and we all breathed a sigh of relief to stop homeschool for a few days. We had an enjoyable and relaxed half term; these are my 5 favourite highlights of our week and what we did to make it feel as normal as we can get during the lockdown.

Half term highlights

Half Term Highlight #5 – Craft day

Baker Ross glass hearts

We had a craft day where we did lots of crafts that mum bought from Baker Ross. We made foam flower wreaths and insect plant markers for our Nans, Valentine hanging hearts that we put on doors around the house, and clear glass heart stones, which we decorated with Sharpies and then hid around our local area for people to find.

Some of my brothers were found by other children in their class. At the moment, none of mine has been found. I recommend Baker Ross. If you are looking for crafts to do, it has many craft kits or holidays and celebrations like Father’s Day, Easter and Mother’s Day.

Highlight #4 – Harry Potter Quiz Night

Harry Potter quiz night
Photo by Shayna Douglas on Unsplash

We are part of the Sky VIP initiative and were invited to take part in an online quiz. We shared photos of ourselves and mascots which Mum shared on social media for the chance to win prizes. There were nearly 23,000 households taking part. There where 6 rounds including Witches and Wizards, Quidditch, Dark Arts, N.E.W.T.s, Potions and Spell and Magical Creatures.

We didn’t win anything but we had lots of fun trying and were pretty happy with our results, coming in around 10,000th place.

Highlight #3 – Green Family Bake Off

Family Bake Off

Mum challenged me and my brothers to a family bake-off. It was amazing. We all chose something to bake and had to bake from scratch (no kits or electric mixers).

William made chocolate gateaux with chocolate buttercream and chocolate chips, Ollie made chocolate brownie with chocolate chips, Albie made gingerbread shapes with icing and decorations and finally, I made a Victoria Sponge with icing sugar and wafer flowers.

We asked our Nanna, Mum, Dad, Will’s Girlfriend and a friend to judge and we also selected a bakers’ choice. Overall they were delicious, and for the bakers choice, Ollie and I came equal for first place. From judges it was a draw between Ollie and William. It was great fun and now we have lots of delicious baking to eat too.

Highlight #2 – Afternoon Tea

Afternoon tea

At the start of the week, Mum surprised me and my brothers with a lovely afternoon tea. We all had sandwiches followed by little cakes. For dessert, we had a chocolate brownie sundae.

Mum also gave us each a little Lego bag to build. Mum bought me a Lego flower and a Lego chocolate box, Albie got a Lego space lab, and Ollie got a Lego hidden side circus human (skeleton) cannonball.

Highlight #1 – Arcade Day

Arcade Day

On Friday Mum and Dad set up an arcade day inspired by a childhood favourite film BIG. We had games like beer pong (without beer,) higher or lower, hover shot (i was the best,) bean bag toss, and tin can alley, but instead of a can, it was popcorn boxes.

My favourite game was bean bag toss because its fun and I’m really good at it. We did 3 rounds on each game and one more round of each game at the end. After all of the games, I was declared the overall winner – YES!

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