My 3 Best Stranger Things Scenes (so far)

Stranger Things

These are some of my favourite scenes from the Netflix original Stranger Things. A Film set in the 1980s and is a horror/science fiction/comedy type film. Sadly I’m still waiting for season 4 to come out.

Stranger Things Worlds Turned Upside Down

I’m so in love with Stranger Things that my Godfather bought me the Worlds Turned Upside Down behind the scenes book about the film #superfan. Usually, I’m not too fond of reading, but, I have started reading more than ever since I got it.

Favourite scenes!!


Stranger Things Ghostbusters

So my first favourite scene is when Halloween comes around, and Mike, Lucas, Dustin and Will all dress up as the ghostbusters but Mike and Lucas both go as Venkman go to school in the costumes knowing nobody else from the school was dressing up. This is also when Mike and Lucas ask Max (who is a girl) to trick or treat them, but she declines them. But really she scares the boys whilst they are trick or treating.

Joyce hears voices

Stranger Things Joyce

My second is when Joyce starts hearing voices in the walls, specifically her son will. Who has been taken (to the upside-down) somewhere? So with it being Joyce, we’re talking about, she picks up the axe and hits through the wall where she is hearing will but suddenly hits something very hard, so drops the axe and tears away the scraps to find a clear pink hard goo type thing.

That she thinks she sees him on the floor with some plant thing in his mouth, but of course, Joyce doesn’t know that its the upside down. With her running to take a picture, it disappears, and there is only insulation.

Eleven follows her heart

Leaving best for last, this is the scene where Eleven realises that she wants to be with her long lost sister (Eight, who does bad things) but really where she belongs is with Mike, Lucas, Dustin and Will, who are her true friends.

In this scene, it gives me a message to chose the right path, not the easiest which in her case would be to stay with her sister Eight (Kali #proppername) and follow her with the gang comprised of Mick, Axel, Funshine, and Dottie who all have powers too.

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